Saturday, September 15, 2012

Parallel Universes

   Sorry about the wait! I have been looking into universe switching, and found some cliches. Different timelines to be specific. Every choice spawns multiple universes, such as whether to have a lot of mayo on that sandwich, or maybe just a little, or maybe none. It's hard to predict which universe you'll end up in. Who knows?! You could end up in maybe a post-apocalyptic world rule by mutant crab-dogs or even one resembling the Hunger Games! It's impossible to safely traverse the multiverse, and never will be. Take heed from your homeroom's resident nerd. "Traveling through dimensions is like strapping yourself into a rack. Bloody."


  1. What a coincidence, Connor! After Grace and I posted that time travel post, I was considering writing about parallel universes, too. By the way, who is the resident nerd?
