Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pokemon X

Ugh! Grace preordered Pokemon Y and now she has it! And she plans to destroy Fairy Pokemon with her Dragon/Poison-type Pokemon! I cannot let her win! I must have Pokemon X and use its power to foil her malicious plans! The Dragon-type expert must fall to me, now or never! But, I don't have Pokemon X, or a 3DS. Fairies shall rule all soon!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Ruining GM's Life

Okay, time to explain my picture. So, I chased GM around in Mr. Conley's room after school. Pinned her down, chased her again, and that repeated for a while. After I stopped, Minh and I convinced her we would be taking a normal picture or her and showed her normal camera which I would be taking her picture with. Unbeknownst to her, you can upload photos to Fat Booth, so she attacked me after she found out, but she didn't have her claws back then, so I just pushed her head away. And I will post another good friend for your viewing pleasure. That is all. Carry on.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Scientific Silence

Scientists say 89% of people will believe anything with the words "scientists say" in front of it. Just thought I might tell you. But also, I will not be posting for a while due to an extended video game playing period that'll last until Saturday or Sunday. Yep. That is all. Game on!

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Apparently, I am the only person who organizes his/her/its Google Drive with folders. Everyone else's are jumbled lines of random papers, graphs, and pictures. What a mess! Organization goes a long way, kids. Try this at home, kids! Eat your vegetables, kids. Kids, kids, kids! (Really, try this at home/school/your work/etc., because it really does work miracles. And you can find what you need to instead or sorting through countless lines of garbled titles of documents and pictures.)


I was bored, so here's some fantasy names I made. (Expect updates for days)


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dance Craze

I've created a new dance craze in QuizBowl. Whenever you know the answer, but aren't on a team, you jump up from your squatting position, and flail your arms around wildly, high-five when you knew the correct answer. Otherwise you just go, "Oh," and look defeated. Repeat until you tire, are told to stop, or are on a team. So fun. By the way, it's called the Potty Dance, because you look like you're having an emergency. That kind of emergency. And since it's in italics, so you know it's urgent. Hehehe.