Thursday, August 9, 2012

List of Horribleness

I've provided a list of my least favorite things about this world. Here they are.
  1. Single ladies with cats
  2. Food poisoning
  3. Stupid waiters
  4. Spiders
  5. Applebee's
  6. Candles
  7. Electronic malfunctions
  8. Farting
  9. Knife-throwers
  10. People who use "like" too much
If you disagree with more than 3 of these statements, you are not normal. That is all. Carry on.


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm considered normal!

  2. Yay! I'm not normal! But only according to you. You don't seem to be normal, so I guess I can't say I'm not normal by only comparing to you.

    * Don't you use "like" too much?
