Sunday, October 28, 2012


I found an interesting site about CHEESE! You should check it out. After all, you wouldn't want to miss a whole site dedicated to various cheeses. Here's the link. Hopefully it's gouda!
(I know that was very cheesy.)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ask Me Anything

I feel like solving problems. Namely, the ones which aren't mine. Especially those. Whatever question you have, ask me. Why is Santorini's capital Fira right next to a giant cliff? What is dark energy? Does my brother have head lice? Who is Georgia O'Keefe? Ask me, ask me, ASK ME!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Slogan Parodies Starting with "S"

State Farm- "Like a weird stalker, State Farm is there!
Subway- "Zombies, eat flesh!"
Skittles- "Taste the processing!"
Starbursts- "Isn't life sucky?"
Snicker's- "Don't let Slenderman happen to you."
Sprite- "Obey your overlords."
Sears- "Let the good times disappear."
LifeAlert- "Help, I've fallen off a cliff and can't get up!"

(I know LifeAlert doesn't start with a "S", but it was too funny to resist.)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Parallel Universes

   Sorry about the wait! I have been looking into universe switching, and found some cliches. Different timelines to be specific. Every choice spawns multiple universes, such as whether to have a lot of mayo on that sandwich, or maybe just a little, or maybe none. It's hard to predict which universe you'll end up in. Who knows?! You could end up in maybe a post-apocalyptic world rule by mutant crab-dogs or even one resembling the Hunger Games! It's impossible to safely traverse the multiverse, and never will be. Take heed from your homeroom's resident nerd. "Traveling through dimensions is like strapping yourself into a rack. Bloody."

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Sorry about the gap between posts. I was grounded and was banned from the computer for 12 days. It sucks, I know. After all, the Internet is what connects us to each other. I was bored out of my mind! But now that I'm on the computer, I feel wonderful!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Googol. A very large number. One 1, a hundred 0's. How huge. And nothing is a googol. Not even the atoms in the universe. Scary. I know. Here it is is number form. 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
000000000000000000000000000000 Ah! Long! You can right it in exponets by adding 100 to the 10. Yep, that's Googol. That's why the search engine is called Google! Lots of data searched in less than a second. That is all. Carry on.

Monday, August 13, 2012


 Amardillos are like little toddlers crossed with turtles. Not really a pleasing thought, is it? Well okay. Erase that image from your mind. Just think of a cute apricot-colored turtles with long claws. That's somewhat more pleasing. Well there you go. A fitting cross that describes an armadillo.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


I have just realized that one of my viewers is from Germany! Yeah! International blog time! The rest are from the United States. Oh well. It's great to know that some people from home who most likely understand this language  are viewing the my posts. Plus, most of the views were from right after I started this blog, with nine people on at once. But now the maximum is two or three. But some people is better than no people, am I right? Oh, and thanks RF and GM for returning the favor! I love the blog by the way! Visit their blog by copying the link in the description. Goodbye!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

List of Horribleness

I've provided a list of my least favorite things about this world. Here they are.
  1. Single ladies with cats
  2. Food poisoning
  3. Stupid waiters
  4. Spiders
  5. Applebee's
  6. Candles
  7. Electronic malfunctions
  8. Farting
  9. Knife-throwers
  10. People who use "like" too much
If you disagree with more than 3 of these statements, you are not normal. That is all. Carry on.

My Slideshow!

Around The World in 80 Days Slideshow | TripAdvisor™  My wonderful journey, caught in pictures. Enjoy! Like the music? Ask me about where to hear it! I hope that people like it!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Welcome all! I provide random things for you! You may be wondering, "What the heck?!" Well, the heck is, I post stuff, and you comment. And if you are looking for Ke$ha's blog, you're in the wrong place.